
American Society of Addiciton Medicine

Publications Proposal

Become an SA国际传媒Author

Publications Proposal

SA国际传媒Publication Application

Thank you for your interest in publishing with the SA国际传媒 (ASAM). SA国际传媒publications are highly respected in the addiction medicine community. Your proposal should fill an informational need within the addiction medicine field and/or cover an and important addiction medicine topic for general medicine, medical specialties, specific professions or populations, or the addiction medicine community.

Please complete the form below to be considered for publication. Thank you.

Section 1: Author and Editor Information

Specialties and Qualifications
Upload your CV

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Section 2: Format/Size Information

Section 3: Editorial and Content Overview

Section 4: Editorial and Content Specifics

Section 5: Workplan and Timeline

Section 6: Market Specifics